Department of Mechanical Engineering
MECH 434/534 Computer-Based Modeling and Simulation




Useful Links

Homeworks and Projects



The course will explore geometric, physics-based, and probabilistic modeling methodology and associated computational methods for tackling theoretical and practical problems in engineering and science. The goals of the course are (a) to familiarize the students with the computational tools, (b) to introduce numerical methods, (c) to familiarize students with graphical modeling and programming tools, (d) to teach physics-based and probabilistic modeling methodology for interactive simulation. The course also provides an introduction to virtual reality technology including input/output devices, programming, human factors, and applications (for more details, please read “What is this course about ?”).

Instructor:                            Prof. Cagatay Basdogan
                                                Extension: 1721
                                               e-mail: cbasdogan@ku.edu.tr




1.     Problem Solving and Computation for Scientists and Engineers, S. R. Lerman, Prentice Hall

2.     Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing, William H. Press. (available online, visit “Useful Links”)

3.     The Inventor Mentor: Programming Object-Oriented 3d Graphics with Open Inventor, Josie Wernecke (available online, visit “Useful Links”)

4.     Physics-Based Modeling Notes, A. Witkin, D. Baraff (available online, visit “Useful Links”)


Lecture Hours:                    TBD

Computer Lab:                   

Students will attend laboratory sessions every week. Lab sessions are important to maximize the learning experience in this course and student progress will be evaluated after each session. During these sessions, students will individually work on their projects/homeworks and learn to solve computational problems using 1) Visual C++, 2) Numerical Recipes, and 3) Open Inventor graphics toolkit. The session times will be announced later.



Attendance to the classes and lab sessions is highly important and will contribute to the overall course grade.


Homeworks and Projets:

Homeworks and projects are very important in this course and will significantly contribute to the overall course grade. Several homework assignments will be given to the students. Project assignments will be in the form of a large-scale homework problem (Students should make as much progress as possible on the projects during the lab sessions). The homework and project assignments will typically contain modeling and programming components. The programming component will be submitted electronically. It is encouraged that students communicate and discuss the homework and project assignments with each other and the TA. However,  it is important that each student should work on the assignment by himself/herself and submit his/her own work individually.

Academic Integrity:                        

Academic honesty is expected of all students. Discussions between students are highly encouraged, but copying a code or a model from others is strickly prohibited and may result in the failure in the course.



Attendance     10 %  

(90% attendance is required to get this credit)
           Homeworks    15 %

Lab Progress  30 %

Projects          45 %